Inside Impeachment—Diary of a Congressman

Lessons Learned

by Honorable Clifford B. Stearns



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/5/2023

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781665742535
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781665742528
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 298
ISBN : 9781665742511

About the Book

This diary provides an inside look at what many members of Congress privately think about impeachment from both a Republican and Democrat perspective and the huge burden of proof required to impeach a sitting President. A key point, yet so often ignored by both authors and commentators, is the extraordinary burden of proof for “high crimes and misdemeanors” that must be met to make a presidential impeachment even remotely possible.

While the previous media commentors and book authors convey a cursory understanding of impeachment, they only scratch the surface of a much deeper issue, and that often leaves listeners with more questions than answers. This book will fill that void. Also, this account will be of immense use to current U.S. senators and representatives, and of great interest to historians and enthusiasts of political process. More than anything, however, this diary it will be appealing to a broad popular audience. While readers may not agree with some of the political stance on issues, the record of conversations and events will be valuable to all, regardless of partisan ideology.

Perhaps the most important points from this book will be the lessons learned from the impeachment process. Every American should read this valuable book to understand how our constitution works.

“Having served in Congress during the Impeachment of President Clinton, I find the diary of the impeachment process by Rep. Stearns fascinating and clearly an insider’s view from both sides of the political aisle.
Congressman Tim Petri

“From a historical standpoint, this new book by Mr. Stearns on the impeachment process is a welcome addition to better understanding how the process in the House of Representatives really works. It also will provide insight if another impeachment is begun.”
Andy Glass, Contributing Editor, Politico,

“As a Member of Congress who actually took part in the debate on Bill Clinton’s 1998–99 impeachment, Cliff Stearns vividly brings to life what was then only the second impeachment of a president in the history of the US. The entire process, its equivalent to an indictment by a grand jury, and the serious and highly personal exchanges of the House Members are much-needed guidelines to understand why impeachment did come up again and will in the future.”
John Gizzi, Senior White House Correspondent, Newsmax

About the Author

Cliff Stearns is an Executive Director based in APCO Worldwide’s Washington, DC, office and serves as a member of APCO’s International Advisory Council. He is a former Member of Congress for Florida’s 3rd District, where he gained extensive experience in telecommunications, technology, cyber-security, and international trade during his twenty-four years of service. He recently was president of the United States Association of Former Members of Congress, whose membership includes more than 500 former Senators and Congressmen.
While in Congress, his various pieces of legislation were signed by four presidents, including the “Do Not Call List” to prevent nuisance phone calls, the Millennium Healthcare for Veterans, the placing of defibrillators in public sectors, and the return to the State of Florida 87,000 acres of federal land that established a greenbelt across Florida from Jacksonville to the Gulf Coast.
Congressman Stearns was also a business owner of motels and restaurants before being elected to Congress. He is a graduate of the George Washington University with a degree in electrical engineering. He was a Captain in the United States Air Force and served four years as an aerospace project engineer providing satellite reconnaissance of Vietnam. He was awarded the Air Force Commendation Medal for distinguished service and meritorious achievement and later, as a congressman, received the Air Force Association W. Stuart Symington Award, the highest honor presented to a civilian in the field of national security.
Mr. Stearns lives in Ocala, Florida, with his wife, Joan. They have three grown sons.